Before graduating college I had to complete a senior project that encompassed the skills I learned during my 4 years of attendance. Knowing that I wanted to launch my brand and website I decided to create a mock website, clothing line and a full photo shoot.
Tegrity Company, a play on the word Integrity, was a name I played with for some quite time before ultimately deciding on Kredo Art. Being a responsible angler and outdoorsmen required one to have Integrity, being moral and respectful of our resources. Doing so preserves the integrity of a fishery for future generations to enjoy. The goal and purpose of starting Kredo Art was to spread the message of catch and release and promote conservation of our fisheries.
Anyway, one of my classmates, Spencer Whitaker, was a talented photographer who wanted to do a shoot as part of his project. It worked out perfectly as we were able to fulfill each others needs. I then asked a buddy of mine, CJ Brown, to help "model" with me.
These photos that Spencer took were just too gorgeous to not share and his talent for telling a story through a series of photos is incredible. It is a shame I have not shown them already.
Fishing wise, there isn't much to tell. It was cold and an awkward time of the season. Dry fly season was pretty much complete and trout were beginning to key onto nymph and streamer patterns. I went into this day with little expectation of catching a trout but wanted to get something on the line for Spencer. While we did not catch anything worth sharing about, the time out on the water spent with good company is nothing to complain about. I will never forget how cold the water was this day and the sounds of shot gun rounds going off to the misfortune of a couple distant ducks. Funny how one fish can make a day and get three grown men all excited.
Props to those of you that made it to the end of my spill, let alone read these. This is just an outlet for me to share what I think is cool. Not trying to make anything look "cool" or "staged." If you know me, you know that is not what I'm about.
So, please take the time to enjoy the great talent of Spencer Whitaker @spencerrwhitaker
CJ Brown @mountainwestimages
- Kyle